Beating the Opioid Crisis: Inspiration, Education, Excellence
By Thom Little, Ph.D. SLLF’s motto is “Inspiration, Education, Excellence.” Last weekend, I believe we fulfilled that mission and motto as we presented “Addressing the [...]
NSC 2018: People, Politics, Policies and Presidents
By: Thom Little, Ph.D. In late August, 2018, Speakers of the House from more than half of the fifty states gathered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for [...]
Protecting Representative Democracy: The Moral Obligation of Leadership
By Thom Little, Ph.D. More than two centuries ago, fifty-five men from across thirteen American colonies established a government like none other before, a government [...]
Who We Are
By: Stephen G. Lakis, President, SLLF “In highly excited times it is far easier to fan the flames of discord, than to subdue them. And [...]
Forging a New Route for the State Legislature
By: Thom Little, Ph.D. For more than seventy years, the descendants of James H. and Virginia Howell Colson have gathered in Norwood, North Carolina on [...]
Civility,Trust & Legislative Leadership
By: Stephen G. Lakis, President, SLLF Just last year SLLF signed up with Bridge Alliance, a new organization whose stated goal is to restore civility [...]
We Do We Do What We Do?
By: Thom Little, Ph.D. A few weeks ago, I posted a blog entitled “Why Do They Do That?” trying to explain why younger legislators, staffers [...]
Why Do They Do That?
By Thom Little, Ph.D. Why do young people today seem to be addicted to their iphones or tablets? Why do junior legislators seem intent on [...]
Bridging the Gap: Lessons Learned from an Extraordinarily Ordinary Generation
By Thom Little, Ph.D. What a weekend! What a conference! A few days ago, I had the honor and privilege of spending time with an [...]