What is SLLF?

SLLF is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to professional development for our nation’s current and future state legislative leaders.

Our constituency includes Speakers of the House, Senate Presidents, Majority Leaders, Minority Leaders, and Leaders Pro Tempore.

And through our Emerging Leaders Program, we offer mentoring to first- and second-term legislators who have been identified by their peers as future leaders.

Common Values

A Common Set of Values

ALL legislative leaders, regardless of their party, politics, or ideology, share a common set of values which include respect for the institution of the state legislature, and a moral commitment to protecting the integrity of that institution.

Our educational programs, held in partnership with leading colleges and universities, are designed to give these leaders the objective information they need to make reasoned decisions on important public policy issues.

All Are Welcome

There are no labels in the SLLF ranks. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, liberals, and conservatives are all welcome at SLLF programs.

Friendships between leaders from different states and different parties are forged based on mutual respect, and on the recognition that all leaders share an overriding goal of being responsible custodians of the legislatures they serve.